Darwin Green
A Major Development Area in north west Cambridge to deliver 3,000 dwellings and other land uses for Barratt Homes Eastern Counties
Darwin Green is one of four MDAs in the city of Cambridge. Phase 1 received Outline Planning Consent in July 2010 and we were appointed to deal with Master Plan development and preparation of a Design Code to discharge one of the OPC’s Conditions. We were also appointed to develop the Master Plan for the adjoining Phases 2 and 3.
The Phase 1 OPC was granted for 1593 dwellings, a primary school with children’s centre, a 1200 sq m convenience store, six small retail units, a park, library, health centre, community café and sports pavilion. Phases 1, 2 and 3 combined were to deliver a total of 3,000 dwellings.
The Master Plan for all Phases promoted a high density linear core of apartments following the main street through the centre of the development with medium and lower density family housing areas away from this busy thoroughfare. A large park was located in the centre of the development to provide a focus and amenity space for local residents.
The local centre located on main street fronted a town square in Phase 1 and contained all of the employment and community facilities including the primary school and children’s centre consented in the Phase 1 OPA.
Our work involved development of the Master Plan to maximise quantitative and qualitative development opportunities to deliver the consented dwelling numbers and create a framework for speedy delivery of infrastructure. Parameter Plans were amended to reflect a range of character areas informed by residential density and land use.
Generally the Design Code promoted contemporary design proposals. We prepared detailed designs for the local centre and the Master Plan created the opportunity for Reserved Matters Planning Applications using a contemporary ‘kit of parts’.