Lodge Farm, Witham

Development of 35,14 hectares (87.5 acres) of agricultural land on the south west edge of Witham for Redrow Homes South East

Lodge Farm is a residentially led mixed use development on the south west approach to Witham, forming a new gateway to the town.  It had an allocation within the adopted Braintree District Council Core Strategy (2011) for 600 dwellings, but through Master Plan development and housing layout testing we created a framework for the delivery of 750 dwellings in the Outline Planning Consent.  The proposals featured a central green as a focal amenity open space, green corridors, a new school, retention of 19th century farm buildings forming a part of the local centre and employment uses including an enterprise centre.


Existing trees, hedgerows and drainage ditches informed the Master Plan.  The proposals will deliver a high quality and locally distinct new quarter to the town that is responsive, attractive and sensitive to its setting.